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Sourced Spices &
Freshest Quality

We source and develop the highest-quality ingredients possible. Our spices come direct from all over the world. We source spices from Argentina, Guatemala, Turkey, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Jordan, Australia, and Canada.

We invest in the highest-quality packaging machines and blast freezers. When you buy a frozen product from us, you are buying a product that arrived two to three days after slaughter, processed within a day or two, and was put in a blast freezer at -45° F to ensure a deep freeze.

This guarantees the freshest quality once you thaw the meat. You’re thawing out meat that’s only a week old, which is amazing. It’s at the perfect aging point, and it’s as fresh as frozen can possibly be.

That’s the point of getting USDA Grade certified Kosher meat — we know exactly what quality we’re about to receive even before we receive it. And anything on a lower tier, we do not accept. We send it back.